I passed!
After 2 full days of cake-making, I have finally finished the final cake for my Wilton Course III class.

If you want the details about the cake, or to see my other cakes from Course II and III, you can go to my entry at the livejournal cake_decorating community.
If you want the details about the cake, or to see my other cakes from Course II and III, you can go to my entry at the livejournal cake_decorating community.
holy cow, that is a beautiful cake. I wish I had your talent
Hey Kristen. Way to go on the cake decorating. I have always wanted to take classes. Where did you take your classes from. They cakes are beautiful! I am sure Autumn will always have the best cakes. :) I love being her primary teacher. She is so smart and so very sweet. You and Mike are doing such a great job! Chat with you soon. Christine
By the way thanks for covering for us on Sunday. Camping was so fun and relaxing.
Hey, I found your blog through Christine's! I didn't know you had a blog :-) And I didn't know that you decorated cakes! This is amazing. So talented. Next time I need a cake, I know where to go.
Nice Job! I'm bummed that I never made that cake. My instructor gave us the option of making that cake or another tiered cake and I chose a different one. It looks great. Congrats!
This particular blog is pretty new. I've had a livejournal one for at least a year, but didn't really have a lot of friends that I knew that were on there, and grew bored of it quickly. I was hesitant to spread the word about this blog because I didn't know if I was actually going to use it or not. I don't like that you can't respond to individual comments like you can on livejournal, but I think it's more accessible to people, and it's super easy to update which I like. I think I'll give it a go, at least for awhile.
Is it ok to leave comments on your own blog post? Or is it like Facebook where I have to find everyone's wall in the blog-o-sphere?
Christine - you're awesome! Autumn loves your class and I had a blast teaching it. I took the classes from Robert's Crafts in Jordan Landing. I started course one about a year ago, but then had my baby and took a break for a year. I started a couple of months ago when I was released from Primary. I needed a new excuse to get out of the house once a week. I did course II and course III, and just signed up for the fondant/gumpaste course at Michaels (they don't offer it at Roberts). During my year "break" I read posts on the cake_decorating forum I linked to on my original post. I love that place because people of all levels post their cakes and there is tons of advice about cake decorating that is given. The only reason I started was to do cakes for my kids' birthdays. Sometimes I wonder why I keep taking these classes because half the time they seem like such a pain! It ends up being a lot more work than it seems like it should. It's not really something that comes easy to me. I have to fight to touch my artistic side - it likes to squirm away anytime I get too close :). But sometimes when the kids are in bed, and it's just me and the cake, I do actually enjoy it. And Autumn is going to have one kick-A Hannah Montana birthday cake this year if I don't screw it up :). I'll post pictures either way.
Brittany - I really wanted to make a cake with royal icing flowers instead. Unfortunately I started the cake the day before, so there wasn't time for royal icing to dry. I would have loved that practice instead of the fondant roses though. I liked the look of the fondant roses, but o' my heck, it took forever to make those suckers. I don't think I'd ever do it just for fun again. For some reason I thought you made this one. The whole time I was making this cake I kept thinking that you survived the experience, so maybe I could too. I still can't get over how awesome Aaron and Georgie's cake you made turned out. I would never in a million years feel confident enough to make a wedding cake after taking course III. Your piping skills are so amazing. I need about ten years of practice before I would dare volunteer to make a for-real cake like that.
Thanks Nicole! I love that we can read each others blogs. It's nice to stay connected.
Leisha - If you didn't figure it out, my previous comment was in response to yours. And I'll trade you a cake for some pictures anytime! :) But if I ever make you a cake, you have to promise not to send it to cakewrecks! (http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/ )
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