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The Whole Watermelon


My first memes

Brittany and Nicole (I think) tagged me by name, so I thought, what the heck, I'll do a couple of memes.

Passed on from Brittany:
4 things I love about my husband:

1. I love hanging out with him. We get along together so well. He's a very easy person to live with, and truly a best friend.
2. I feel like I can tell him everything. And I do. Even those weird dreams that he probably doesn't even want to know about.
3. He loves our kids. It's so fun watching him interact with them.
4. I do not doubt that he loves me. He's always saying and doing things to show his love. He tells me all the time what I good mom and wife I am. He shows his love by doing things to help me, just because he knows I speak that love language. He likes to snuggle and watch movies, and is always begging for date nights. He is totally hot.

4 Movies I would watch more than once:

1. Harold and Maude
2. The Royal Tenenbaums
3. The Jerk
4. A Mighty Wind

4 TV shows I watch more than once:

1. The Office
2. Lost
3. Firefly
4. Buffy

4 Places I have been:

1. Europe
2. Maine
3. Alaska
4. I've driven to or through most states in the US

4 People who email me regularly:

1. Mike
2. My Mom
3. My brothers/sisters-in-law
4. Gosh, nobody, they just send me a message on Facebook. Stop making me feel like a loser :)

4 Favorite Foods:

1. Restaurant Morelia - My favorites are the chili verde burrito with cheese, the enchiladas, and the rice, but everything is so good!
2. Indian Food - Love the India House in Sandy, and the Bombay House
3. Chocolate Dipped Strawberries from Cummings Studio Chocolates (and any other high quality chocolate for that matter)
4. Homemade casseroles and nice warm comfort food.

4 Places I would like to visit:

1. Japan
2. Alaska (again!)
3. Hawaii
4. Maine (again!)

4 Things I am looking forward to this coming year:

1. We just paid off all our debt except our house, and I'm really looking forward to paying ourselves the money we used to pay other people.
2. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day. I love the holidays.
3. Spending time with my family and watching them grow.
4. Getting pregnant again. Kee Kee, just had to throw that in to see if Mike's paying attention :) We're currently undecided if we're going to stick with 3 or end with an even number. We need a few more months to clear our heads before we can think about it.

4 People I would like to tag:
1. Umm, I don't really know who reads my blog, and I have doubts that there are 4 people I could name, but if you like the questions, then, tag, you're it.

Passed on from Nicole:
I was doing 10 years ago...
1. Having a total party time in the CS computer lab!
2. Not sleeping
3. I can't remember exactly when I got my internship with Unisys, so I was either working for them, or working at Restaurant Morelia and babysitting, possibly TAing as well. I was definitely working in the computer Mac lab in the Biology building. I did that most of my college career.
5. Hanging with and sometimes dating really cool people (hadn't officially met Mike yet though).

5 things on my to-do list today. (I'll say tomorrow since today is almost over)...
1. Continue to unpack/clean
2. Find a babysitter so Mike and I can have a much needed date night sometime soon.
3. Take Bruno (our dog) to get his haircut. (I'm glad I'm doing this meme, I almost forgot that I had to do that)
4. Exercise. For real. I'm thinking I might take the kids to my Mom and Dad's house and jog/walk on the treadmill. I had a routine of going over there before I had to get ready for the Michigan trip, and I'm ready to get back into it. (Thanks Mom and Dad for letting me use your house as a free gym!!)
5. Go to Wal-mart and get invitations for Autumn's upcoming birthday party. Also some face paint for Alex's spiderman costume. We also need to hit some 2nd hand stores to try and find some cowboy boots for Autumn's Hannah Montana costume.
6. Come to the realization that there is no way I'm getting all the above done in one day.

5 of my favorite snacks...
1. Hot cocoa (in the fall and winter)
2. Ice Cream
3. Popcorn - I usually do the Healthy Choice Kettle Corn now-a-days, but my mother-in-law got me hooked on the super buttery kind, so every once in a while I'll indulge in that too.
4. Lately we've been into the fruit smoothies - we usually do 2 cups of fruit and 1 can of diet pop. (I like to use diet 7-UP or raspberry Diet Rite), and sometimes I'll throw in some yogurt.
5. Banana Bread. Yum!

5 Jobs I've had...
1. Currently I'm a very very part time web developer and also the Grant Administrator for Citizens for a Safe future for Midvale
2. My first official job was at Burger King. I eventually became a Shift Supervisor.
3. One of my favorite jobs was working at a copy and print shop part time one summer.
4. I worked at Intel after I graduated from college for about a year and 1/2.
5. My least favorite job was selling Mary Kay makeup. I think I lasted the length of my pregnancy with Autumn. I love the product, and liked giving demos, but hated making phone calls and feeling like I had to move the product filling my office. I did like going to my weekly motivational meetings though. It definitely wasn't all bad.

5 things I would do with a million dollars...
1. Finish the Dave Ramsey baby steps.
2. Get new carpet
3. Get a new dishwasher
4. Get a Kitchen Aid mixer
5. Invest most of what's left, so it could generate some interest, baby!

5 things that made me laugh this week...
1. Autumn saying "Cheerio" to our neighbors when we left their house tonight.
2. Alex telling me, "I love you a billion and hate you 3... (pause)... that is not very much."
3. Andy's head bob dancing.
4. Mike driving the car and laughing out of control about something he heard on his IPod.
5. Bruno's beyond enthusiastic greetings after seeing me when we got home from our trip.

5 people I tag, to answer these same questions....
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